Monday, November 23, 2009


"haha. what else could i do? if you even have me in your heart. i've had enough. you telling me you are okay, fine. i don't know how am i feeling now. sad/heartbroken(are you sure) worse then anything in the world. i hate all this. it i could turn back time. shut up! if if if. if there is so many ifs in the world, i would not feel so bad. i thought i was the one who made you unhappy. i thought you are the one who is upset. but why do i feel even worse talking to you/solving the problem? confused, hard, sad. what is this. Please, if anyone could hear me, help."
well, this is really bad. would we go into this stage?
something happy.
going to east coast park tomorrow for the class party :) sentosa is off due to not having a bbq pit :0
right, hope it doesn't rain tomorrow and we would have alot of fun!! haha! oh, meeting gervaisyanminmelvin first, truman can't go last minute. eww. meeting at 9 -.- must wake up early:)
got to go now, bye:)
signed off jiatung.

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